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Businesses require some form of financing at some point: during the early stages to start the business, to keep an existing one running by supporting operations and ensuring a ready supply of capital and liquidity, or when expansion or growth is planned. Access to funding...

Quite simply, women generally cannot afford to retire as soon or as comfortably as their male counterparts — if at all. In this article, I provide a brief overview of some of the factors contributing to the gender pension gap, together with suggested solutions to...

Improving access to high-quality, age-appropriate early childhood care and education (ECCE) is a national imperative, recognised in numerous pieces of legislation and policy in South Africa. While the benefits to children of the proliferation of these services are clear, the associated opportunities for benefits to...

The advancement of professional black women continuing to be a priority has made it possible for these women to move beyond the racialised and patriarchal constraints that subjected all women to a subordinated status, onto a path towards positions of leadership....

Post-apartheid South Africa was supposed to be the era of equality. However, it has become clear that equality is neither immune to power relations, nor disconnected from history, and that white male domination did not simply vanish the day South Africa became a democracy. There...

wedding dress designer

Entrepreneurship can be a lonely journey at times, but it has the potential to be a very fulfilling career. As much as entrepreneurship is fast becoming the first choice for economic and social development across the world, South Africa is still facing challenges in growing...